
Genius for Discord

Lyric Cards and Song Information within your Discord

Bot is now defunct due to Genius changes


Access Genius on Discord

Genius has thousands of lyrics which you can display in your Discord, as well as Artist and Song Information.

Lyric Cards

Display lyrics like Genius' own Lyric Cards on iOS.


Get your favourite Artist's top songs and stats.


Retrieve the song's writers and producers with links for them all.


Get which album your favourite song is from and it's stats.

Questions & Answers

This bot is provided free of charge. If you wish to help support hosting costs and future developments of this bot, you can purchase a premium plan or donate without reward.

Unfortunately, Genius doesn't provide an API for lyrics, which means I have to scrape the site (which is against their Terms of Service), so to reduce spammy calls to their page, this feature is for boosters only.